TANIOBIS Group as part of the JX Metals Corporation is fully committed to the company mission
Harnessing the Earth’s power for the common good and for the day-to-day life of each individual, we will contribute to the development of our communities and help to ensure a vibrant future through creation and innovation in energy, resources, and materials.

TANIOBIS Group Policy
Health / Safety
We place the highest priority on ensuring the health and safety for all TANIOBIS group members, neighbors and other stakeholder and thereby strive to create safe and secure working places, products, and services.
- We will continuously improve health and safety management levels through the establishment and efficient operation of health and safety management system.
- We will work to identify, eliminate, and reduce hazards and harmful factors in all areas of business operations and to ensure no accidents occur.
- We will work to maintain and improve employees’ mental and physical health by ensuring good communication and comfortable working environment together with the employees and their representatives.
- We will actively provide information and education in order to develop human resources that can act spontaneously and have strong safety competencies.
- We will not only comply with health and safety laws and regulations but will also establish and observe necessary voluntary standards as result of adequate risk assessments.
Environment / Energy
As a global manufacturer of refractory Metals, Chemicals and Compounds, the TANIOBIS Group will drive forward the following activities to contribute to environmental and continuous improvement of energy efficiency by
- The utilization of resources effectively by developing technologies that will continuously enable higher yield, quality improvement, shorter process cycles, recycling, energy saving and reduction of TANIOBIS CO2 footprint, as well as by developing environment-friendly materials.
- Our commitment to the environment and compliance with environmental regulations, we will strive to further reduce the impact of our operations on the environment.
- The continuous reductions of waste at every stage of our operations.
- Raising each employee’s awareness of environmental conservation through provision of environmental management education.
- Disclosure of the state of our environmental conservation efforts related to operations in an active and fair manner in order to further enhance communication with stakeholders.
The TANIOBIS Group hereby sets forth and acts in observance and development of a sustainable society while recognizing that its social mission is to consistently supply refractory Metals, Chemicals and Compounds.
- Correctly grasp the requirements of customers and society in order to offer products and services that customers will trust and be satisfied with.
- While paying due attention to improve and maintain quality at all processes from development, designing and production to delivery.
- Further development of the integrated quality management system and carry out continual improvements and train human resources.
TANIOBIS Code of Conduct
All TANIOBIS group sites are compliant with all applicable national and international legislation. We are engaged in a wide range of operations in supply chain, refining refractory metal powders, chemicals and compounds based on our code of conduct. All our suppliers and service providers are obliged to implement systems as well to be in line with the TANIOBIS code of conduct. TANIOBIS is fully committed to its social and ethical responsibility and therefor has implemented procedures to be compliant with international and national laws and regulations. Our main aspects covered are:
Human Rights and Working Environment
With a special focus, but not confined solely to these, we are committed to:
- the prevention of child labor under the age of 15 years
- adherence to applicable wage laws and legally mandated benefits
- compliance with applicable local work hours
- the prevention of forced bonded indenture, human trafficking and slavery
- upholding the right to freedom of association
- preventing discrimination based on age, disability, ethnicity, national origin, race, religion, gender and other characteristics protected by law.
Company Ethics
Within our organization and operation, we are dedicated to
- prevention of corruption, bribery, and money laundering
- ensuring robust data protection and security
- upholding sound accounting practices and records management
- promoting transparency in sharing information
- upholding principles of fair competition and antitrust compliance
- managing conflicts of interests effectively
- protection of intellectual property rights
- counterfeit material
- adhering to trade compliance and sanctions
- providing channels for anonymous reporting and whistleblower protection
Safety and Health
We have integrated risk mitigation measures into our risk assessments, concentrating on the following areas
- workspace evaluation
- ensuring personal safety by providing personal protection in case needed
- Implementing machine and equipment safety protection
- First Aid Management
- Emergency and Incident Management (e.g. fire, explosion, terrorism etc.)
- management of chemical substances
Environmental Protection
Within our organization and operation, we are dedicated to
- reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- enhancing energy efficiency in throughout our processes
- increased utilization of renewable energy sources
- protection of water, soil, and air
- securing the air quality within our responsibility
- responsible utilization of chemicals
- sustainable resource management
- prevention from waste generation and management of waste
- prevention from noise emissions
- engaging in recycling activities
- promoting animal protection and diversity
Supply Chain Management
We implement procedures within our Supply Chain Management to ensure that TANIOBIS Code of Conduct is transferred to all suppliers and sub suppliers. Our particular emphasis is on
- non-financing of armed conflicts according OECD Guideline
- worst form of child work according to ILO convention (International Labor Organization)
- compliance of wages and benefits according national legislation
- work hours according national legislation
- preventing forced bonded indenture, human trafficking and slavery
- no discrimination and harassment related to age, disability, ethnicity, national origin, race, religion, gender and other characteristics protected by law
- respect of ownership and prevention of displacement
- health and safety
- combating corruption, bribery and money laundry
- fair competition and antitrust
- conflict of interests
- safeguarding intellectual property rights
- compliance with trade compliance and sanctions
- managing environmental aspects such as air, soil, water, waste
- fulfilling tax payment regulations
- licenses and permissions